Number of boards, that were available during the selected time period.
Number of comments on pins, that were published by the profile during the selected time period.
Comments, Likes and Repins
Number of comments, likes and repins on pins, that were published by the profile during the selected time period.
Comments per Pin
Average number of comments on a pin, that was published by the profile during the selected time period.
Comments, Repins and tried it
Number of comments, repins and tried it on pins, that were published by the profile during the selected time period.
Comments and saves of own Pins
Number of comments and saves on pins, that were published by the profile during the selected time period.
Comments, Saves of own Pins and Tried it
Number of Saves, Comments and Tried it on pins, that were published by other profiles during the selected time period.
Tried it
Number of tried it on pins, that were published by the profile during the selected time period.
Has Tried
Number of Has tried by the profile on other pins, that were published by other profiles during the selected time period.
Tried it per Pin
Average number of tried it on a pin, that were published by the profile during the selected time period.
Number of Tried it, Comments and Saved on origin pins, that were published by the profile during the selected time period, in relation to the amount of follower of the profile.
Number of follower of the profile, on the last day of the selected time period.
Number of follower in relation to number of followings of the profile on the last of the selected time period.
Growth (absolute)
Number of new follower (net) in the selected time period.
Follower Growth (weekly, in %)
Growth of new follower per week (net) in selected time period.
Growth rate
Growth of new follower (net) in selected time period.
Percentage Increase Since Starting Point
Growth of new follower since the profile is listed in the Fanpage Karma database.
Number of followings of the profile on the last day of the selected time period.
Likes given
Number of likes, that the profile have to other pins of other profiles, that were published in the selected time period.
Number of likes on pins, that were published by the profile in the selected time period. Not available anymore on Pinterest, only for old profiles.
Likes per Pin
Average number of likes on a pin, that was published by the profile in the selected time period.
Ratio of origin pins of the profile to repins by the profile.
Profil Performance Index
The Page Performance Index (PPI) is a combination of engagement and growth. It combines both figures to provide an estimate value for a pages success and is based on the average growth and engagement values of all profiles in our index. We start by by calculating values between 0 and 100%, both for the Engagement and for the Growth. These values serve as a comparison to all other profiles in our index. A value will be set to 100%, if a profile is part of the top 10% for this value, so 90% of the profiles we are monitoring have a lower value.
Reactions per post
Average number of Tried it, Comments and Saved on pins, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.
Amount how often pins were shared by other users, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.
Repins per Pin
Average number of shares of a pin, that was published by the profile in the selected time period.
Saves of own Pins
Number of saves by other users of origin pins, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.
Saves of own Pins per Pin
Average number of saves by other users of an origin pin, that was published by the profile in the selected time period.
Saves total
Amount of saves by other users of all pins, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.
Saves total per Pin
Average number how often a pin was saved by other users, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.
Number of Pins
Number of pins, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.
Post Interaction
Amount of Tried it, Comments and Saved on pins, that were published by the profile in the selected time period, in ratio to the amount of follower of the profile. In contrast to the Engagement the Post Interaction includes days only, on which pins were published by the profile.
Pins per day
Average amount of pins per day, that were published by the profile in the selected time period.