User posts with reaction of page
Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period and got an interaction from the fanpage.
User posts with comment by page
Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period and got a reply from the fanpage.
Comments on User Posts
Number of comments on user-posts, that were published in selected time period.
User Posts Total Reactions, Comments, Shares
Total amount of Reactions, Comments and Shares on User Posts in chosen time period
User Posts per day
Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period (average per day).
Posts by Fans
Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period.
Number of link-posts, that were published in selected time period.
Number of video-posts, that were published in selected time period.
Number of picture-posts, that were published in selected time period.
Weighted Post-Interaction
The weighted post-interaction is calculated like the regular post-interaction, but gives a score to the user posts. Shares are assumed to be three times, comments two times more valuable than likes.
Weighted Engagement
The weighted engagement is calculated like the regular engagement, but gives a score to the user reactions. Shares are assumed to be three times, comments two times more valuable than reactions (likes, love, wow, haha etc.).
Post Interaction
The post interaction shows how active the fans engage with posts of a page. It shows the average amount of all interactions (reactions (likes, love, wow, haha etc.), comments and shares) per fan per post. As opposed to the Engagement Rate, the Post Interaction ignores days without any posts.
Page A yields the following interaction values:
Monday: 20 interactions and 3500 fans and 2 posts
Tuesday: 0 interactions and 3590 fans and 0 posts
Wednesday: 37 interactions and 3700 fans and 1 post
Thursday: 100 interactions and 3750 fans and 3 posts
Friday: 0 interactions and 3755 fans and 1 post
Saturday: 0 interactions and 3780 fans and 0 posts
Sunday: 2 interactions and 3783 fans and 3 posts
Now we sum up all interactions by fans for every post and divide it by the amount of posts. ( (20/3500) + (37/3700) + (100/3750) + (2/3783) ) / (2+1+3+1+3) = 4.29% Total Interaction Rate / 10 Posts = 0.429% That means, in this week each fan interacted 0.00429 times with each post of the page.
Posts per Day
Number of posts, that were published in selected time period (average).
Number of Posts
Number of posts, that were published in selected time period.