Facebook Metrics





User posts with reaction of page

Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period and got an interaction from the fanpage.

User posts with comment by page

Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period and got a reply from the fanpage.

Comments on User Posts

Number of comments on user-posts, that were published in selected time period.

User Posts Total Reactions, Comments, Shares

Total amount of Reactions, Comments and Shares on User Posts in chosen time period

User Posts per day

Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period (average per day).

Posts by Fans

Number of user-posts, that were published in selected time period.


Number of link-posts, that were published in selected time period.


Number of video-posts, that were published in selected time period.


Number of picture-posts, that were published in selected time period.

Weighted Post-Interaction

The weighted post-interaction is calculated like the regular post-interaction, but gives a score to the user posts. Shares are assumed to be three times, comments two times more valuable than likes.

Weighted Engagement

The weighted engagement is calculated like the regular engagement, but gives a score to the user reactions. Shares are assumed to be three times, comments two times more valuable than reactions (likes, love, wow, haha etc.).

Post Interaction

The post interaction shows how active the fans engage with posts of a page. It shows the average amount of all interactions (reactions (likes, love, wow, haha etc.), comments and shares) per fan per post. As opposed to the Engagement Rate, the Post Interaction ignores days without any posts.


Page A yields the following interaction values:

Monday: 20 interactions and 3500 fans and 2 posts
Tuesday: 0 interactions and 3590 fans and 0 posts
Wednesday: 37 interactions and 3700 fans and 1 post
Thursday: 100 interactions and 3750 fans and 3 posts
Friday: 0 interactions and 3755 fans and 1 post
Saturday: 0 interactions and 3780 fans and 0 posts
Sunday: 2 interactions and 3783 fans and 3 posts

Now we sum up all interactions by fans for every post and divide it by the amount of posts. ( (20/3500) + (37/3700) + (100/3750) + (2/3783) ) / (2+1+3+1+3) = 4.29% Total Interaction Rate / 10 Posts = 0.429% That means, in this week each fan interacted 0.00429 times with each post of the page.

Posts per Day

Number of posts, that were published in selected time period (average).

Number of Posts

Number of posts, that were published in selected time period.


Number of Fans

Number of fans, who liked the fanpage.

Response Time

The Response Time describes how long a page needs to respond to userposts. For this value, we only take into account when a page makes a comment to a userpost. This is mainly because Facebook does not provide time values for likes and shares. We first calculate the response time for each userpost and then take the median of all posts for the selected period of time. The median is the value, that is exactly in the middle of all values, when you sort them.

Example: Page A from our previous example reacts within the following timeframes:

Userpost 1: commented by page after 10 minutes (0.17h),
Userpost 2: commented by page after 45 minutes (0.75h),
Userpost 3: commented by page after 2 hours (2h),
Userpost 4: commented by page after 20 hours (20h),
Userpost 5: commented by page after 53 minutes (0.88h)

If you sort all durations you get the following list: 0.17h, 0.75h, 0.88h, 2.00h, 20.00h

The value in the middle is 0.88h, so the Response Time is 0.88 hours.

Why don’t we take the average of all values? The average has two problems: First of all, the average is very prone to overevaluate outliers. In our example, one post was responded to only after 20 hours. If you calculated the average of the values, you would get to 4.76 hours. This is much higher than you would think fair if you looked at the other posts. Secondly, these 4.76 hours are a completely fictive value, whereas the 0.88 hours of the median can be clearly and correctly explained to any interested party (your boss or client) as: “Half of all userposts are responded to in less than 0.88 hours.”

Service Level

The service level shows how many userposts get a reaction by the page in form of a like, a comment or deletion. Reactions on “regular page posts” (published by the page itself) do not count.

Example: Page A got 20 userposts within the chosen period of time. 4 of them got a like, 5 a comment and 2 were deleted; 11 userposts got a reaction, which equals 55% ( 11 / 20 * 100 = 55).


The ad value is calculated by taking the estimated post reach and an average price for online advertisement into account (CPM).

It shows how much you had to spend with common online ads (outside from Facebook) to get as much as reach as you got on Facebook with the selected posts / time period. We use an estimated CPM of 12.00 € and multiply it with the estimated reach.

The ad value does NOT show the amount you’ve spent on Facebook into ads.

Note: You can set your own CPM for different post types if you’re the admin of a page and granted us insight rights. The Ad Value does not proportionally depend on the number of fans, but more important is the engagement.

Page Performance Index

The Page Performance Index (PPI) is a combination of engagement and growth. It combines both figures to provide an estimate value for a pages success and is based on the average growth and engagement values of all pages in our index.

We start by by calculating values between 0 and 100%, both for the Engagement and for the Growth. These values serve as a comparison to all other pages in our index.

A value will be set to 100%, if a page is part of the top 10% for this value, so 90% of the pages we are monitoring have a lower value.

Afterwards the engagement and growth are multiplied, the square root is extracted and the values scaled to 100 to present the top end.

Example: Page A has an average Growth rate of 3% and an Engagement rate of 0.2%. Both values are better than 90% of all pages in our index, which produces “temporary” values of 100% Growth and 100% Engagement. These temporary stand-in values multiplied equals 10,000 (100*100), the square root of 10,000 again is 100, which results in a PPI of 100%.

Total Reactions, Comments, Shares

Number of interactions on page-posts, that were published in selected time period.


The Engagement shows an average amount of how often a fan interacts with the posts of a page. It is calculated by dividing the daily amount of reactions (likes, love, wow, haha etc.), comments and shares by the number of fans. If you are looking at a longer period of time it takes the average of the daily Engagement rates.

Example: Page A yields the following interaction values:

Monday: 20 interactions and 3500 fans
Tuesday: 0 interactions and 3590 fans
Wednesday: 37 interactions and 3700 fans
Thursday: 100 interactions and 3750 fans
Friday: 0 interactions and 3755 fans
Saturday: 0
Sunday: 2 interactions and 3783 fans

That leads to the following daily Engagement Rates:

Monday: 0.0057 (20/3500) or 0.57%
Tuesday: 0 (0/3590)
Wednesday: 0.01 (37/3700) or 1%
Thursday: 0.027 (100/3750) or 2.7%
Friday: 0
Saturday: 0
Sunday: 0.00053 (2/3783) or 0.053%

For the whole week, we get the average Engagement value of: (0.0057+0+0.01+0.027+0+0+0.00053)/7 = 0.0062 or 0.62% That means, in this week each fan interacted 0.0062 times with the posts of the page.


Number of Angry

Number of angry on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Sad

Number of sad on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Haha

Number of haha on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Wow

Number of wow on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Love

Number of love on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Reactions

Number of reactions on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Shares per Post

Number of shares on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Comments per Post

Number of comments on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Likes per Post

Number of likes on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Number of Shares

Number of shares on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Comments

Number of comments on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Likes

Number of likes on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Thankful per Post

Number of thankful on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Angry per Post

Number of angry on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Sad per Post

Number of sad on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Haha per Post

Number of haha on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Wow per Post

Number of wow on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Love per Post

Number of love on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post

Reactions per Post

Number of reactions on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Number of Thankful

Number of thankful on posts, that were published in selected time period.


Percentage increase since starting point

Difference in number of fans in %, comparison of the first and the last day of the selected time period.

Growth (absolute) per day

Difference in number of fans, comparison of the first and the last day of the selected time period, average per day.

Growth (absolute)

We distinguish between daily/weekly and absolute growth.

If not said otherwise, we use “Growth” as the average weekly growth rate of a Facebook page. The growth rate does not compare the number of fans at the beginning and the end of a period, but it answers the question “How much had the page to grow in a week on average to get from value A to value B?”. That makes sense, because it gives you a more “stable” impression about the growth without being too vulnerable to sudden spikes or extreme differences.

Example for the weekly growth rate:
Page A has 2000 fans, when two weeks ago it only had 500. Just the difference is 1500 fans or 300% of the starting value of 500. The calculation of the average weekly growth rate “only” equals to 100%. The page grew by 100% in the first week, which is 500 fans: 500 fans + 500 fans = 1000 fans. For the second week it’s another 100%: 1000 fans + 1000 fans = 2000 fans.

Example for the absolute growth:
To calculate the absolute growth, you have to note, that all values for „number of fans“, that are visible at Fanpage Karma, are based on the UTC time code from Facebook, at 0:00 am UTC, at the beginning of the day.

Page A had a growth of +712 fans in December 2016.
– On December 1, at the beginning of the day at 0:00 am UTC, the Page A had 106.191 fans.
– On December 31, at the beginning of the day at 0:00 am UTC, the Page A had 106.877 fans.
– On January 1, at the beginning of the day at 0:00 am UTC, the Page A had 106.903 fans.

Therefore, during the day of December 31, the Page A got 26 fans, at total 106.903, at 11:59 pm UTC.

To get the growth of December, we take the first value of December 1, at 0:00 am UTC (106.191) and the last value of December 31, at 11:59 pm UTC (106.903), the difference is 712.

Daily Growth (in %)

Difference in number of fans in %, comparison of the first and the last day of the selected time period, average per day.

Average Weekly Growth

Difference in number of fans, comparison of the first and the last day of the selected time period, average per week.




Interaction (weighted) per reached person per post

Based on the weigthed interactions on posts of a day, in relation to the number of fans of the same day, who saw these posts (Facebook engagement), average per post.

Interaction (weighted) per reached person per day

Based on the weighted interactions on posts of a day, in relation to the number of fans of the same day, who saw these posts (Facebook engagement)

Interaction per reached person per post

Based on the interactions on posts of a day, in relation to the number of users of the same day, who saw these posts (Facebook engagement), average per post.

Interaction per reached person per day

Based on the interactions on posts of a day, in relation to the number of users of the same day, who saw these posts (Facebook engagement)


Post reach (viral) per fan per day

Viral Reach (unique) on posts by fans (who liked the page), that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach (paid) per fan per day

Paid Reach (unique) on posts by fans (who liked the page), that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach (organic) per fan per day

Organic Reach (unique) on posts by fans (who liked the page), that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach per fan per day

Reach (unique) on posts by fans (who liked the page), that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post impressions per fan per day

Impressions on posts by fans (who liked the page), that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach (viral) per day

Viral Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach (paid) per day

Paid Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach (organic) per day

Organic Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach per day

Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post impressions per day

Impressions on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach (viral)

Viral Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post reach (paid)

Paid Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post reach (organic)

Organic Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post reach

Reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post impressions

Impressions on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Total reach (viral) per fan per day

Sum total of reach (viral) of page and posts published in chosen time period in relation to number of Fans per day

Total reach (paid) per fan per day

Sum total (paid) of page and posts published in chosen time period in relation to number of fans per day

Total reach (organic) per fan per day

Sum total of reach (organic) of page and posts in chosen time period in relation to number of fans per day

Total reach per fan per day

Sum total of reach (unique) of page and posts published in chosen time period in relation to number of fans per day

Total impressions per fan per day

Number of views of fans (people who liked the page) per day

Total reach (viral) per day

Sum total of reach (viral) of page and posts published in chosen time period per day

Total reach (paid) per day

Sum total of reach (paid) of page and posts published in chosen time period per day

Total reach (organic) per day

Sum total of reach (organic) of page and posts published in chosen time period per day

Total reach per day

Sum total of reach (unique) of page and posts published in chosen time period per day

Total impressions per day

Number of views per day

Total reach (viral)

Sum total of reach (viral) of page and posts published in chosen time period

Total reach (paid)

Sum total of reach (paid) of page and posts published in chosen time period

Total reach (organic)

Sum total of reach (organic) of page and posts published in chosen time period

Total reach

Sum total of reach (unique) of page and posts published in chosen time period

Total impressions

Total number of views of page and posts

Persons with interaction per reached person per day

Number of user, who interacted with posts, that were published in selected time period, in realtion to the number of user who saw the posts, average per day.

Persons with interaction per day

Number of user, who interacted with posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Page views per day

Amount of visits of the page, average per day.

People Engaged

Number of user, who interacted with posts, that were published in selected time period.

Page Visits

Amount of visits of the page.

Fans engaged with posts per post

Number of fans (who liked the page) and interacted with posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Post reach to fans (paid) per post

Paid Post-Reach (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Post impressions to fans (paid) per post

Paid Post-Impressions by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Post reach to fans per post

Post-Reach (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Post impressions to fans per post

Post-Impressions by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Fans engaged with posts per day

Number of fans (who liked the page) and interacted with posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach to fans (paid) per day

Paid Post-Reach (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.v

Post impressions to fans (paid) per day

Paid Post-Impressions by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post reach to fans per day

Post-Reach (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Post impressions to fans per day

Post-Impressions by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period, average per day.

Fans engaged with posts

Number of fans (who liked the page) and interacted with posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post reach to fans (paid)

Paid Post-Reach (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post impressions to fans (paid)

Paid Post-Impressions (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post reach to fans

Post-Reach (unique) by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post impressions to fans

Post-Impressions by fans (who liked the page) in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period.

Post reach (viral) per post per fan

Viral Post-Reach (unique), in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period and to the number of fans in the same time period, average per post and fan.

Post reach (paid) per post per fan

Paid Post-Reach (unique), in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period and to the number of fans in the same time period, average per post and fan.

Post reach (organic) per post per fan

Organic Post-Reach (unique), in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period and to the number of fans in the same time period, average per post and fan.

Post reach per post per fan

Post-Reach (unique), in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period and to the number of fans in the same time period, average per post and fan.

Post impressions per post per fan

Post-Impressions, in relation to the number of posts, that were published in selected time period and to the number of fans in the same time period.

Average reach of single posts

Amount of reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period, average per post.

Sum of reach (viral) of single posts

Sum of viral reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Sum of reach (paid) of single posts

Sum of paid reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Sum of reach (organic) of single posts

Sum of organic reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Sum of reach of single posts

Sum of reach (unique) on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Sum of total impressions of single posts

Amount of impressions on posts, that were published in selected time period.

Negative Feedback

Negative Feedback

Number of dislikes, hide this or all posts.

Negative Feedback per reached person

Number of dislikes, hide one or all posts in relation to users who saw the posts, average per day.

Negative Feedback per post

Number of dislikes, hide one or all posts, average per post

Negative Feedback per day

Number of dislikes, hide this or all posts, average per day.

Facebook Videos

Number of shares on Facebook-Videos

Number of shares on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of comments on Facebook-Videos

Number of comments on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of thankful on Facebook-Videos

Number of thankful on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of angry on Facebook-Videos

Number of angry on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of sad on Facebook-Videos

Number of sad on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of haha on Facebook-Videos

Number of haha on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of wow on Facebook-Videos

Number of wow on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of love on Facebook-Videos

Number of love on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Likes on Facebook-Videos

Number of Likes on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Reactions on Facebook-Videos

Number of reactions on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Total amount of reactions, comments and shares on Facebook-Videos

Number of reactions, comments and shares on Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.

Number of Facebook-Videos

Number of Facebook videos, that were published in selected time period.


Video Clicks of Video Posts per Day

Number of clicks per day on videos of video posts published in chosen time period (average)

Video Clicks per Video Post

Number of clicks on videos of video posts per video post published in chosen time period (average)

Video Clicks of Video Posts

Number of clicks on videos of video posts published in chosen time period

Picture Clicks of Picture Posts per Day

Number of clicks per day on pictures of picture posts published in chosen time period (average)

Picture Clicks per Picture Post

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts published in chosen time period (average)

Picture Clicks of Picture Posts

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts published in chosen time period

Link Clicks of Link Posts per Day

Number of clicks on links of link posts published in chosen time period per day (average)

Link Clicks per Link Post

Number of clicks on links of link posts published in chosen time period (average)

Link Clicks of Link Posts per Reached Person (CTR)

Number of clicks on links of link posts published in chosen time period per day in relation to unique reach of the posts

Link Clicks of Link Posts

Number of clicks on links of link posts published in chosen time period

Picture, Video and Link Clicks per Day

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts, videos of video posts and links of link posts published in chosen time period per day (average)

Picture, Video and Link Clicks per Post

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts, videos of video posts and links of link posts published in chosen time period per post (average)

Picture, Video and Link Clicks

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts, videos of video posts and links of link posts published in chosen time period

Likes, Comments, Shares and Link Clicks per Fan per Day

Number of likes, comments, shares and link clicks of link posts published in chosen time period per day (average)

Likes, Comments, Shares and Link Clicks per Reached Person per Post

Number of likes, comments, shares and link clicks of link posts published in chosen time period in relation to unique reach per post (average)

Likes, Comments, Shares and Link Clicks per Fan per Post

Number of likes, comments, shares and link clicks of link posts published in chosen time period in relation to number of fans per post (average)

Likes, Comments, Shares and Link Clicks per Reached Person per Day

Number of likes, comments, shares and link clicks of link posts published in chosen time period in relation to unique reach per day (average)

Picture, Video and Link Clicks per Reached Person

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts, videos of video posts and links on link posts published in chosen time period in relation to unique reach (average)

Video Clicks of Video Posts per Reached Person

Number of clicks on videos of video posts in relation to unique reach of video posts published in chosen time period

Picture Clicks of Picture Posts per Reached Person

Number of clicks on pictures of picture posts in relation to unique reach of picture posts published in chosen time period

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